Monday, July 28, 2008

Bloody ShopNBC murders animals

ShopNBC is once again selling its bloody fur from China, profiting on people's ignorance. How much do you know about truth in advertising when it comes to fur? Do you know that China is the world's leading exporter of fur, and do you know that most of it comes from dogs and cats that have been skinned alive for their pelts? Do you know where the murderous Cedric's Luxe collection "comes from"?

For God's sake, even Simon Cowell speaks out against fur. ShopNBC, however, reneged on its fur-free pledge and hasn't looked back, duping middle America into charging their "fur" on a credit card with an APR that is pushing 30%! Cruelty on top of cruelty!
Martha Stewart has renounced fur. So have Marc Bouwer, Todd Oldham, Jay McCarroll, Charlize Theron, Elizabeth Berkley, Christy Turlington, Eva Mendes, Natalie Portman, Scarlett Johansson, Dennis Rodman, and the list goes on and on and is growing. One day soon, it's going to look pretty damn stupid to be caught dead wearing fur. If you wear fur, I am fairly certain that you do not know how it was "obtained." Don't you owe it to yourself to make an informed decision?

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