Saturday, February 2, 2008

...and Justice for All

New York anti-fur activists, take heart! This story will restore your faith in the cause, and it came about thanks to the persistence of your West Coast counterparts. Schumacher Furs in Portland, Ore., was ordered by a court to pay PETA more than $40,000 for fees incurred in what was described as a frivolous lawsuit. The store, which closed its doors in 2007, had foolishly blamed demonstrators for the demise of the business. The silly store also failed to understand the concept of free speech but got a civics lesson in the bargain.

Photo courtesy of Greenisthenewred/Creative Commons. The sign was placed in the window of Schumacher Furs during a lawful protest against the cruelty of the fur industry.

Read more about this anti-fur victory on The PETA Files blog
Read the laughable accusations made by Schumacher Furs

Editor's Note: Lordy. When did schools stop teaching civics?

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