Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Where Fur Comes From

The Washington Post gets it right in this story by Philip Rucker. Make sure you know the facts about fur and fur trim.

Of interest, an executive for Saks Fifth Avenue is quoted by Mr. Rucker as saying that the store removed a Burberry jacket from its Web site after an investigation revealed that the coat was made of dog fur, and not "faux" fur as labeled. Laboratory testing had revealed in 2006 that Saks and other retailers were selling items made of fur from the raccoon dog.

The status of Saks' sale of mislabeled dog fur remains to be confirmed.

The Post story discusses legislation introduced in Maryland that would end the mislabeling of fur. (Published Feb. 5, 2008)

Read more about real fur being sold as faux fur and the Humane Society investigation that revealed this.

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