Sarah Anderson of ShopNBC is a beautiful woman, but by all indications she has a cold, black heart. Or else, she is simply ignorant. It may be that she doesn't know about the horrors of the fur farms from which Cedric gets his animal skins. Sarah may not understand about genital and anal electrocution rods, drowning, insecticide injections directly into a fur-bearing animal's heart, or raccoon dogs being smashed to the ground as part of a torturous death. If she does know anything about how fur is obtained, then we should all say a prayer for her soul.
At any rate, she looked like a hooker tonight on ShopNBC, the network that is notorious for reneging on its fur-free pledge. Her show tonight was pure trash, and it was sad to see the duping of the gullible viewing audience.
Oh gawd she is calling the animal skins "cute" and "adorable." The irony.
Learn more about the cruelty of the fur industry
See what Martha Stewart says about fur
Send a message to ShopNBC and protest its cruelty and deceit